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Saggy Breasts? Treatment Is Possible!

Many women experience changes to their breasts over time due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight changes, and the natural aging process. Most commonly, this means loss of firmness and sagging. 

Turkle & Associates is a premier provider of breast surgery in Indianapolis. Dr. Janet Turkle combines skill and expertise to help patients restore their figures and feel more confident in themselves. 

When it comes to saggy breasts, treatment can include breast lifts and augmentation to restore their shape.

How a breast lift treats sagging breasts

Your breast lift in Indianapolis will be preceded by an in-depth consultation to help you understand the procedure, recovery time, and expected results. During this time you’ll also get to discuss the possibility of combining breast augmentation or reduction.

Tighten the skin

By removing the excess skin that has stretched over time, your surgeon lifts your breast to sit higher on the chest.

Reshapes tissue

The underlying tissue is reshaped to improve the contour and firmness of your breasts. This can also make your breasts more symmetrical to each other.

Adding implants

A breast augmentation with implants is a great choice for patients who would like to increase the size of their breasts in addition to lifting them. Patients with sagging breasts due to weight loss or with naturally smaller breasts may opt for this surgery.

Or reduce the size

If your breasts are sagging due to their size, you may opt for a breast reduction instead of adding implants. A breast reduction removes excess tissue and skin to balance your overall figure.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Turkle, today!

Dr. Turkle is a renowned Indianapolis plastic surgeon committed to making sure her patients look and feel their best. If you’re looking for a saggy breasts treatment, it’s time to book a consultation.

Turkle & Associates provides plastic surgery and med spa services. Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or try our virtual consultation tool.

Our virtual consultation tool is a self-guided process that allows you to select your areas of concern and receive personalized recommendations emailed to you.

Virtual Consultation

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