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Do You Need Surgery To Remove Skin After Weight Loss? | Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon

Congratulations on making it to the other side of your weight loss journey! Diet and exercise can help us achieve our weight goals, but sometimes the loose skin left behind is frustrating. It can make us look heavier than we are. 

At Turkle & Associates, we help our patients look and feel their best with surgery to remove skin after weight loss in Indianapolis. Excess skin can be uncomfortable and cause you to feel self-conscious when you could be celebrating the body you’ve worked so hard for.

What surgeries remove loose skin after weight loss?

When it comes to loose skin after weight loss, treatment options range from surgical to nonsurgical. The best treatment for your situation will depend on how much loose skin you need to remove.

Explore Our Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Treatments

Body Lift

Body lift is our most versatile option for skin surgery after weight loss  A full body lift can address sagging or loose skin in most major areas of the body. Dr. Trukle can remove excess skin and even some fat to create smoother contours based on your specific anatomy.

Mommy Makeover

Weight changes during pregnancy can lead to excess skin after birth. A mommy makeover is a popular term for a collection of procedures that help renew the body after pregnancy. 

Tummy Tuck

Many people struggle with loose skin around their stomach after weight loss. A tummy tuck helps tighten and smooth the abdominal skin and muscles.

Contact Dr. Turkle for your plastic surgery needs!

Dr. Janet Turkle works to be one of the best plastic surgeons in Indianapolis through her dedication to patient care and support. If you’re interested in surgery to remove skin after weight loss in Indianapolis, whether it’s through a body lift or a mommy makeover, you can trust you’re in good hands.

Schedule your consultation 

Interested in exploring our other treatment options? Our virtual consultation tool is available online 24/7. Simply answer a few questions about your areas of concern and you’ll receive individualized treatment recommendations in your email!

Virtual Consultation

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