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plastic surgery

What to Expect During Your Facelift Recovery in Indianapolis: A Timeline

When you’re looking to reverse the signs of aging, gravity, or volume loss a surgical facelift is a time honored and effective solution. Some of our patients travel from out of town to receive their face lift at Turkle MD & Associates. They know that Dr. Janet Turkle is one of the best plastic surgeons in the Indianapolis area.

The facelift recovery process might feel intimidating for some patients, because our faces are the most visible part of our body and an important part of how we navigate our daily lives. Everyone deserves to feel proud of the way they look, that’s why there are so many cosmetic procedures dedicated to treating the face! 

Our team put together this quick guide to the steps of facelift recovery, week by week, as well as some tips to help ease the process.

Week 1

The first day after your facelift is going to be when you will probably experience the most discomfort, but you should not feel any extreme pain. Your sutures will be removed in the first week. We provide narcotics to help manage the pain and encourage transitioning to over the counter pain medication as soon as possible.

You’ll have a follow up appointment the next day after your surgery to change your post-surgery dressings and verify that you’re healing well. Be sure to follow all post-operative instructions provided to you.

Week 2

During this week, swelling and bruising are normal, as is a slight numbness or tingling. If anything is causing you concern, you can always give us a call. By the end of week 2 you should feel able to stop any pain medication you’ve been taking.

Most patients are feeling like themselves by the end of the second week and feel ready to return to work and light activities.

Week 3 – 4

You may be experiencing some residual tightness or swelling. Usually patients are fully back to their normal activities by the end of week 4. 

It’s important to keep in mind that these are general time frames. Everybody is different, so your recovery journey may have a different timeline.

Facelift recovery tips

Most of our tips for recovering from a facelift are the same as they would before any surgery. It’s very important that you follow the specific post-operative care instructions given to you after your procedure. These are some general guidelines.

Stay hydrated

We could all probably stand to drink more water on a regular basis. Making sure you are eating well and staying hydrated will help your body have the energy it needs to heal during your facelift recovery.

Keep your head elevated

To keep swelling to a minimum, it’s important to make sure you’re keeping your head elevated. It can help to elevate the head of your bed when you sleep at night. And make sure you’re getting plenty of rest!

Be prepared

Make sure you have someone available to drive you home after your surgery and help you around the house for the first few days.

Prepare your home environment. Make sure you have what you need to feel comfortable and make sure it’s all easily accessible. You can include comfy pillows and blankets, your phone and charger, whatever will help you feel relaxed.

It’s also a good idea to plan some clothing choices that are easy to put on and don’t require pulling over your head.

Don’t let facelift recovery intimidate you, call Turkle MD & Associates today!

You deserve to love the way you look and we’re here to help you from your first phone call to your last follow up. Contact us today to learn more about our facelift offerings. We also provide liquid facelifts and mini facelifts too!

You can also use our virtual consultation tool to explore our other cosmetic treatments. It’s a self guided experience that sends personalized recommendations right to your email


Try it now.

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