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How long will it be before I can exercise or swim after a breast augmentation?

Many patients ask us this question to help themselves decide the time of year they would like to get a breast augmentation. That’s because you are restricted from doing certain activities after your surgery. However, we will review your full instructions for post-care during your initial consultation. Our number one goal is to help you heal quickly and minimize your downtime.

In general, you can expect to be able to submerge in water within 6 weeks after your surgery, or after your wounds are totally healed. Regarding exercise, you will be able to walk immediately after your release, but you should wait about two weeks before restarting any cardio or lower-body exercises. Restrictions will include no lifting, pushing, or pulling anything greater than 10 pounds for 6 weeks after surgery.

We will discuss with you any specific restrictions and help you determine how long to take off work and other duties at your consultation.


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