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Labiaplasty Recovery in Carmel | A Timeline, FAQs, and How to Prepare

There are many reasons why one might consider getting a labiaplasty. Some patients require surgery to reduce the size of the labia for cosmetic purposes, while others undergo the procedure to reduce pain and discomfort.

Regardless of the reason for your labiaplasty, one thing you’ll need to prepare for is the recovery. Luckily, labiaplasty recovery sounds a lot more daunting than it actually is. However, in order to help you feel prepared and informed, we’ve put together a little bit of information on what to expect for your labiaplasty recovery in Carmel.

Turkle & Associates is led by renowned plastic surgeon, Dr. Jan K. Turkle. Our combination of compassionate and skilled patient care makes us the premier destination in Carmel and the Indianapolis area for labiaplasty and other plastic surgery needs!

What is a labiaplasty?

Watch our expert medical aesthetician discuss labiaplasty:

A labiaplasty is a surgery that aims to alter the appearance of the labia through size reduction. Labiaplasty treats:

  • Enlarged labial tissue 
  • Uneven or asymmetrical labial tissue
  • Darkened edges of labial tissue

Who is an ideal candidate for a labiaplasty?

Typically, we see a few different patients who make ideal candidates for labiaplasty at Turkle & Associates, and also a few who don’t.

The first is someone who is looking to remove excess labial tissue due to discomfort or pain. This excess tissue often causes pain or irritation during intercourse or when wearing body-contouring clothing like leggings or jeans. 

In this case, your expert labiaplasty surgeon makes small incisions in the labia minora to remove the excess tissue.

Additionally, we use labiaplasty to reduce the size of labia in order to create a more symmetrical appearance.

For those with mild labial laxity, you may be better suited for non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments like ThermiVa.

Labiaplasty recovery timeline

Patients actually report that labiaplasty recovery in Carmel ends up being a lot less of an undertaking than they originally thought. As far as plastic surgery recovery goes, this is one of the easier. 

However, being prepared always makes the process that much more bearable. So, let’s take a look at what to expect from day one to week six of your labiaplasty recovery in Carmel.

Day one

Labiaplasty surgery is an outpatient procedure, which means you’ll be able to return home immediately following the surgery. We will provide you with the appropriate pain medications and post-operative care instructions prior to leaving the surgical facility. 

You may feel groggy, tired, and slightly uncomfortable for the first day or so. Make sure to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home, as you’ll be recovering from a general anesthetic and won’t be able to drive yourself.

Days 2 to 3

Two to three days into labiaplasty recovery, bleeding should completely cease. You’ll need to take time off of work for the first few days to rest and let your body heal. 

You should continue to limit your physical activity, and you can use a cold compress on the area to ease slight discomfort and swelling. 

Days 4 to 7

Most patients are able to return to work at this time! Your vagina will begin to look and feel like normal, yet you can still expect mild swelling and bruising.

You can engage in some physical activity, such as walking around the house, but you should continue to avoid strenuous activities, including heavy lifting, sexual intercourse, and intense workout routines. 

Week 2

Swelling and discomfort should subside almost completely during this period of time, and you should start to feel more like yourself. 

Weeks 4 to 6

One month into your labiaplasty recovery, restrictions begin to ease and swelling completely subsides. Dr. Turkle will prepare you for the exact time you can begin an exercise routine and/or sexual activity. By the end of week 6, most patients are free to resume all normal activities!

Tips for an easier labiaplasty recovery in Carmel 


Most of the recovery process after a labiaplasty involves simply waiting for the body to heal, but there are a few things you can do prior to your procedure and during your recovery to aid in the process. 

1. Prepare for the procedure

You’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home after your procedure. Additionally, it may make your recovery easier by going grocery shopping beforehand. When you go, look for healthy whole foods like fruit, vegetables, fish, and eggs. These foods will help your body heal and will reduce inflammation after the procedure. 


2. Limit vigorous exercise

Use this time to rest and relax! Your body needs to heal during this period. Exercise can cause pain and inflammation, and could potentially result in uneven scarring. It could also cause your wound to reopen which would negatively impact your recovery period. 

3. Wear loose-fitting clothes

Tight-fitting clothes can irritate the labia and hinder the healing process. Prepare a few comfortable, loose-fitting outfits to wear during your recovery period, including your most comfortable underwear. 

4. Use a donut shaped pillow to sit on

These are a lifesaver during labiaplasty recovery. They help reduce pain or inflammation by avoiding direct pressure on the treated area while sitting. You can find these on Amazon or at most major stores.  

5. Ice the area

An ice pack may help reduce swelling and provide some pain relief. “Follow the 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off” rule to avoid damaging the area. 

6. Be gentle with toilet paper

Be gentle with the area when using the restroom. If you are in pain, you can always gently rinse the area with lukewarm water after using the toilet as opposed to using toilet paper. 

7. Do not drink or smoke!

Avoiding smoking and drinking before and after your procedure greatly increases your body’s natural healing abilities. Try to avoid them, smoking especially, for up to 2 weeks prior to your surgery and, if possible, 6 weeks after. 

Frequently asked questions about labiaplasty recovery in Carmel

How long is the labiaplasty procedure?

Labiaplasty surgery typically takes about an hour to perform.

Does labiaplasty leave any scars?

Dr. Turkle has years of experience with labiaplasty, but as is true with all surgeries, scarring is a possibility. We will discuss expectations about scarring during your initial consultation.

Can you perform other plastic surgery during my labiaplasty?

Yes, absolutely! We often pair labiaplasty with other cosmetic surgeries such as breast augmentation, liposuction, and tummy tuck. When performed together, we call this procedure a “mommy makeover”.

What should I avoid during labiaplasty recovery?

During your recovery, you should avoid engaging in strenuous activities such as heavy lifting, bike riding, and sexual intercourse for up to 6 weeks. The strain of these activities could cause additional bleeding or swelling that could hinder your healing. 

How long after labiaplasty can I engage in sexual activity?

You must wait until the incision sites are completely healed to engage in any sexual activity. This could be up to 6 weeks. Intercourse prior to proper healing could hinder the healing process and/or cause considerable pain. 

How long do the results of labiaplasty last?

Typically, the results of labiaplasty are permanent! However, factors such as childbirth, natural aging, hormone changes, and more may affect the vaginal tissue even after your labiaplasty. 

Can I shave after a labiaplasty?

You should avoid any hair removal on the area such as waxing or shaving. Dr. Turkle will advise you as to when it is safe for you to begin your hair removal routine. 

Can I wear tampons after a labiaplasty?

We highly recommend not inserting anything, including tampons, into the vagina for up to 6 weeks after your labiaplasty. This restriction should only affect one menstrual cycle. You can, however, use a menstrual pad if your cycle should coincide with your labiaplasty recovery period. 

How long after labiaplasty will my vagina look normal again?

Six months is considered a full recovery from labiaplasty, at which point your vagina will look and feel completely back to normal and you’ll be able to fully enjoy the benefits of the procedure!

Is there such a thing as a non-surgical labiaplasty?

Yes, there absolutely is! We understand that surgery is not a viable option for everybody. We offer a fantastic non-surgical option that helps to tighten and reduce the size of the labia majora at Phases Skin Care & Laser Center. It’s called ThermiVa! This option does not have a major impact on the appearance of the labia minora. 

Schedule your appointment

Oftentimes, the labiaplasty recovery can be the most daunting part for those who are considering it. But now that you are feeling a bit more prepared and informed about the entire process, it’s time to schedule your consultation with us!

At Turkle & Associates, we take the consultation process very seriously. It allows us to truly get to know you, your unique aesthetic goals, and your desired results. This way we can create a customized treatment plan that will get you exactly where you’d like to be. 

Contact us today and we’ll sit down with you to discuss labiaplasty or any other aesthetic or plastic surgery treatment! We can’t wait to hear from you. 

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