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What is the difference between the Juvederm formulations? How do I know which is the best one for me?

There is a different Juvederm filler for each area of the face. During your consultation, we’ll be happy to help you choose which filler will work best for you based on your specific aesthetic goals.

Listed below is each Juvederm filler with the general area(s) used and more details. All fillers can create a more youthful appearance and provide natural-looking, long-lasting results.

JUVEDERM XC: Nasolabial Folds, Parentheses, Marionette Lines.
Juvederm XC is a cosmetic injectable filler made from hyaluronic acid. This smooth gel add instant plumpness to areas around the mouth, lips, under the eyes, and most other areas of the face to reduce wrinkles and folds.

The Juvederm Voluma XC filler is the first FDA-approved injectable gel to replace lost volume or increase volume in the cheek area. Turkle & Associates is happy to say that we were one of the first practices in the country to receive training on this filler. This filler has been proven to last up to two years with optimal treatment.

The Juvederm Volbella XC filler is an FDA-approved injectable gel for lip fullness and augmentation. It can also be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines in the area around the lips. When injected, it can even provide a shine and “glossy” look to the top and bottom lip.

JUVEDERM VOLLURE XC: Nasolabial Folds, Parentheses, Marionette Lines, Lips. Juvederm Vollure XC is one of the newest dermal fillers approved by the FDA. It is the first and only hyaluronic acid dermal filler approved for the correction of moderate to severe wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds, that lasts up to 18 months.


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