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plastic surgery

Your Everything Guide to Getting an Eyelid Lift in Indianapolis

The eyes are said to be the window to the soul because we use them to convey so much of our emotion. The skin around our eyes experiences a lot of movement: think about how many times you just blink in a day, regardless of whether you’re smiling or furrowing your brow. All of this movement, combined with the delicate nature of the skin, is a recipe for wrinkles and sagging. 

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a surgical solution for drooping eyes that can be used for the upper or lower eyelids. At Turkle MD & Associates we perform blepharoplasty in Indianapolis for patients looking to rejuvenate their appearance and achieve younger looking eyes.

Am I a candidate for a surgical eyelid lift?

Before scheduling your eyelid lift in Indianapolis, you’ll want to come in for a consultation. It’s important to meet with your eyelid surgeon prior to your surgery so that you can ask questions about the procedure. The eye is such a delicate area of the face, that your surgeon needs to examine the eyelids closely to determine whether blepharoplasty will provide you with optimal results.

Meeting with your plastic surgeon can help determine if you need a brow lift vs eyelid lift. It’s possible that your eyes are dropping because of skin laxity in the forehead or eyebrow.

Generally candidates for blepharoplasty meet the following criteria:

  • Sagging upper or lower eyelids
  • Under eye bags or dark circles
  • In good general health
  • No serious eye conditions
  • Realistic goals and expectations


Learn more about how we treat the eyes from Dr. Turkle:


What causes sagging around the eyes?

The eyes are a focal point for our facial expressions. There are 20 different muscles that control our facial movements! Everytime those muscles move, they move and fold the skin around your eyes, and this is what causes wrinkles. At the same time, as we’re aging, your skin is producing less collagen and elastin, which makes it harder for your skin to hold its shape. 


Wrinkles and loose skin lead to our eyes looking tired or like we’re perpetual frowning. There are a number of aesthetic treatments that can help alleviate some of those issues, including surgical and non-surgical options.

Surgical Eyelid Lift

When it comes to surgically correcting your eyelids, the right treatment depends on what is causing your eyelids to droop, like if it’s excess skin in your eyelid, or sagging from your forehead. 

There are two surgical options for addressing skin laxity in the upper face and eyelids: blepharoplasty and a brow lift. These surgeries can be used separately or together, depending on your desired results.

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)

As far as plastic surgery goes, blepharoplasty is an less invasive experience. In fact, blepharoplasty can usually be completed as an outpatient procedure in just 1 to 2 hours!

How it works

During the procedure, your surgeon makes an incision along the fold of the eyelid and removes excess skin and fat before closing the cut. This can be done on the upper or lower eyelid, depending on your individual needs.


Afterwards, you’ll spend a short time in our recovery room while we monitor for any complications before you’re able to return home to complete your recovery with detailed aftercare instructions.

Brow lift

If the sagging around your eyes is caused by skin laxity on your forehead, you’ll require a brow lift to correct it. A brow lift procedure will lift and smooth the skin on your forehead. 

How it works

There are multiple techniques for brow lifts. Your surgeon will make an incision based on where the skin will benefit most from being lifted and strategically so that any scarring will not be visible on the face. 


After the procedure, you’ll receive aftercare instructions for your incisions. Your initial healing will take 1 to 2 weeks and you should be able to return to your normal activities within about 10 days.

Combining a brow lift and blepharoplasty 

For some patients, it may be beneficial or necessary to combine a brow lift with a blepharoplasty to achieve the optimal lift. Doing both procedures allows for a comprehensive approach for lifting the upper parts of the face. When combined with a traditional facelift, this can provide rejuvenation across the whole face because a facelift focuses on reducing sagging skin on the lower part of the face.

How long do blepharoplasty results last?

An eyelid lift surgery will provide long lasting results. Of course, the aging process continues even after an aesthetic procedure. You can expect the results of an eyelid lift to last for several years, and longer with proper at-home skin care.

Are there non-surgical options for an eyelid lift?

While it’s not possible to replicate the results of surgery, there are other treatments available that can help refresh your eyes if you don’t need or aren’t ready for surgery.


We can use neurotoxins like Jeuveau and Botox for the eyes to relieve frown lines and crow’s feet. With strategic injections, it’s possible to use neurotoxins to lift the brow line by relaxing those muscles. While it will not have the same results as blepharoplasty, it can provide minimal lift to drooping eyelids. 

Neurotoxins can’t help with under eye issues. However, by refreshing other areas of the eyes they can draw attention away from under eye issues and improve the overall appearance of the area.


Fillers can help improve the appearance of under eye bags when they’re caused by loss of volume. While fillers won’t help with pigmentation (the dark circles), they can provide long lasting, immediate results and improve skin laxity around the eyes.

At Turkle MD & Associates we use Juvederm and RHA FIllers to smooth wrinkles and folds which can help open up the eyes and give you a more awake and youthful appearance.


Our medspa Phases Skin Care and Laser Center offers Ulthera as another skin tightening solution that doesn’t involve surgery. It can be used to treat under eye bags specifically. Ultherapy is non-invasive and uses ultrasound to help lift and tighten the skin. 

By increasing collagen production, Ulthera can erase fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Sometimes we use Ulthera as a pre-treatment before surgery and some patients use it for yearly maintenance treatments to prolong the results of their surgical eyelid lift as well!

Using medical-grade skin care to maintain your eyelid lift

One thing we’re always telling our patients: if you’re willing to invest in aesthetic procedures, you should be willing to invest in your at home routine as well. While it certainly can’t replicate surgical results, adding a medical-grade eye cream to your skincare routine can help maintain the health of the delicate skin around your eyes.

You can explore our eye products via our shop at Phases Skin Care and Laser Center or schedule a skin care consultation with one of our aesthetic specialists! You can also utilize our skincare routine quiz!

What’s the process for getting an eyelid lift in Indianapolis?

The first step in receiving any plastic surgery is scheduling a consultation. It’s particularly important for surgeries involving the face because your surgeon needs the opportunity to examine the eyes up close in order to recommend treatments.

During your consultation, you and your provider will discuss your medical history, your expectations, and the results you are hoping to see from treatment. If we determine that surgery is the best option for you, we’ll schedule your procedure.

Recovering from your eyelid lift

After your eyelid lift in Indianapolis, you’ll need to plan for 2 to 3 days of recovery. Be sure to follow your aftercare instructions and use the specialized ointment on your incisions. Keeping your head elevated and icing the area can accelerate the healing process. 

Most bruising resolves in 10 to 14 days, or can be camouflage with make up. After about 10 days, you’ll be able to return to your normal activities.

You can expect to see most of your results within 3 weeks of your surgery, though technically final results from any surgery can take 6 to 12 months after the body fully recovers and all swelling has completely resolved.

Interested in an eyelid lift in Indianapolis? Book your consultation today!

At Turkle MD & Associates we’re committed to helping our patients meet their aesthetic goals through a variety of treatments. Schedule your consultation for an eyelid lift at our office near Indianapolis and we’ll help you determine the best way to refresh and rejuvenate your eyes so that you look and feel better about your appearance.

Nothing can replace the experience of an in-depth consultation with a trained eyelid surgeon in Indianapolis. Our team works to make sure our patients feel educated and cared for from their first phone call to their final follow up appointment. 




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